Monday, May 26, 2008

cegah satwa punah - Onwards to Romania

Soon I'll be flying away to Romania and eLiberatica to introduce Romanians to another creature with teeth komodo! It looks to be a very interesting conference focusing on the benefits and business models behind open source software....
[ continue - komodo ]

Another interesting posts below:

  1. Coffee Bean Species and Varieties
    The coffee beans we grind and use to brew coffee come from the Coffea evergreen bush grown in over 50 countries around the globe. Each year the Coffee bush flowers and develops a cherry like fruit...
    [ continue - komodo ]

  2. Beruang Kutub Ursus maritimus
    Ayo Cegah Satwa Punah! Beruang Kutub Ursus maritimus Beruang Kutub Inggris polar bear atau dalam nama ilmiahnya Ursus maritimus adalah mamalia besar dalam aturan marga keluarga biologi Ursidae. Dia termasuk spesies circumpolar yang terdapat di dan sekitar Arktik dan adalah hewan marga mamalia daratan terbesar. Beruang Polar dewasa jantan seberat antara 400 hingga 600 kilogram dan kadang kala melebihi 800 kg. Beruang Polar betina sekitar separuh berat beruang jantan dan biasanya sebe...
    [ continue - komodo ]

  3. Secure Server Certificate How To Get Your Own
    The number of online transactions is on the rise and so are the number of threats to modern online transactions and communication exchanges. If you have ever purchased something online you have been...
    [ continue - komodo ]

  4. "How to Establish the Dramatic Premise of Your Screenplay and Beyond"
    So you began your screenplay with a visual metaphor. You've introduced your main character the setting the time the theme and you're introducing other major and periphery characters. You're getti...
    [ continue - komodo ]

  5. Pittsburgh Zoo Sunday
    komodo Dragon Noname slowly creeps into the tall blades of grass Sunday at the Pittsburgh Zoo. The komodo Dragon is the worlds largest lizard. above On a sunny Sunday afternoon this female Western Gorilla lays next to a large rock...
    [ continue - komodo ]

Related sites: binatang, harimau, badak, fauna

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